Can't open a new window via an Action?

  1. 8 years ago


    1 Apr 2016 User since 2016
    Edited 8 years ago by steveharman


    \\ Creo b4, OSX 10.10.5

    I may have misunderstood how Actions operate, but I've created a button, assigned it the Action of opening a Window and yet nothing happens when I click the button.

    Assigning an "Open" action to a button doesn't open the specified window when the button is clicked in the simulator.

    \\ Create WIndow1 and Window2
    \\ Add a button to Window 1 and assign it an Action of opening Window2
    \\ Launch the simulator and click the button

    The button in Window1 should open Window2, using any effects specified in the action (fade, etc.)

    Please see attached video.

  2. marco

    1 Apr 2016 Administrator User since 2016

    Hi @steveharman, if you place the button in the middle of the window (instead of in the NavigationBar) does it work?

  3. steveharman

    1 Apr 2016 User since 2016
    Edited 8 years ago by steveharman

    Hi @marco - Good call.

    Dragging a button that works fine in the middle of the window into the NavigationBar stops it from triggering its action. Conversely dragging a non-functional button out of the NavigationBar into the middle of the screen then allows the action to be fired ok. So it sounds like you've identified the issue.

    I tried using "Bring to front" on buttons in the NavigationBar but that made no difference in terms of getting them to trigger actions. Disabling the NavigationBar in Inspector > Navigation Bar > Visibility [Hidden] and buttons in the NavigationBar region of the window then work fine.



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