

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Sat Jun 16 06:46:16 2018
    henry_cho posted in Creo 1.0.


  2. Sat Jun 9 07:46:46 2018

    Thanks @andrea no problem. Thanks for all your support. Love what you guys are doing

  3. Sat Jun 9 04:18:24 2018
    henry_cho started the conversation Phone emulator differs from app emulator.

    Hi Guys,
    The project I am working on seems to work fine in the app emulator.
    The collection view loads the data and displays the collection in Window1.
    If you hit add, you are taken to another window which then initiates a call to update the database,
    take you back to Window1 and play an animation and when finished the request that feeds the collection view is updated to show new data.
    All this works fine in the App emulator.
    On the phone emulator:
    The collection view doesn't render
    The animation doesnt play.
    Not sure if this is a bug or a problem with the way I have created the file.
    I've attached the file, any help would be appreciated.
    I have the latest version of the creo app installed.
    The build version I am using is 13503

  4. Sat Jun 9 04:09:39 2018
    henry_cho posted in URL Encoding.

    Thanks this seems to work @andrea

  5. Sat Jun 9 04:09:03 2018
    henry_cho started the conversation Layout bugs.

    Hi Guys,
    The layout of the elements in Window 1, keep moving around when I switch between scenes.
    Every time I add a new object, all the other objects move off screen.
    Also even though the title is aligned to the top of the page in the editor, in the emulator it moves down the screen.
    Not sure if this has something to do with the nested views?

  6. Wed Jun 6 15:17:24 2018
    henry_cho posted in URL Encoding.

    sure its the request customsizes

  7. Wed Jun 6 13:15:38 2018
    henry_cho posted in URL Encoding.

    Thanks Marco, Mostly good but one of the requests crashes the app everytime i test it

  8. Sun Jun 3 04:54:32 2018
    henry_cho posted in URL Encoding.

    I have updated my project to use the path feature but the queries still seem to fail.
    For example:
    This request works in postman
    https://api.airtable.com/v0/app2qdjo13RWolJqT/Master?fields%5B%5D=Today's+remaining&filterByFormula=(%7BName%7D+%3D+'Diane+Cho' )

    If I enter the query part of the URL into Creo such that
    This seems to fail and the attributes are extracted as:
    filterbyFormula : ({Name}+=+'Diane+Cho')
    fields[]: Today's+remaining

    Any thoughts?

  9. Sun Jun 3 04:41:53 2018
    henry_cho started the conversation URL Encoding.

    All of my requests seem to be broken now after the new release (not sure which of the recent versions did it)

    I suspect its something to do with the URL encoding.

    If the request has a simple URL eg
    There is no problem
    but if the url has encoded characters eg
    The request fails.
    All the complex requests I have now including filters etc now fail also.
    Has something changed?

  10. Fri May 25 06:17:28 2018
    henry_cho posted in Nested JSON in HTTPrequest.

    That's great thanks!

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