

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Fri Feb 21 08:48:17 2020
    oceankid started the conversation Adjusting line height.

    I have a long paragraph in a TextView. I'm trying to fine-tune its typography– Line-height, kerning, etc.

    Not able to see these options in the Attributes. Anyone know if I can specify some sort of style to the HTML/markdown/text type or extend the auto-generated Swift source code?

  2. 5 years ago
    Thu Jan 24 16:20:18 2019
    oceankid posted in App in production?.

    Bump. Seeing v2 now several months later. Anyone app have an app on the store?

  3. Sat Jun 23 07:51:38 2018
    oceankid posted in App in production?.

    Congratulations on v1 and all the press.

    A lot of new potential users coming in such as myself probably want to see a live app on the App Store made with Creo.

    Anyone have anything out there or is close to releasing one?

  4. 8 years ago
    Mon Jan 18 18:12:47 2016
    oceankid started the conversation HTTP Header.

    Digging the app. Very intuitive, feels totally native without the Xcode learning curve.

    Trying to create an HTTP Request but unable to pass a Header in the request within the UI. Wondering if there are some extended APIs to add these with Gravity?

    Keep up the work. Can't wait to see this mature.

  5. Mon Jan 18 17:05:51 2016
    oceankid started the conversation Contribute to documentation?.

    Reading the Manual with beta1. What's a good place to contribute/fix minor grammar issues.

  6. Mon Jan 18 17:04:07 2016
    oceankid joined the forum.