
Show in context Administrator User since 2016

Hi @Joel_Eisenstat , I've have fixed the issue with the titles of a segmented control getting the values of another control after a selection change, we will release an updated version in the next few days.

For the other question about the "double tap":
I tried to reproduce your app by creating with two windows, each one with a segmented control and using the segmented control's "Changed" action to open the other window. If I understand correctly your situation, I'm able to realize what you need by changing the segmented control's index of the control in the opening window with the following code (in the "Changed" event of the segmented control of the first window, and similar code in the event of the control of the second window):

if (index == 1) {;
	Window2.SegmentedControl1.index = 1;

It also works if you change the index of the selected control in the "WillShow" or "DidShow" event of the window.

I've attached the sample project used for this test, please let me know if this is useful to you.