

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Tue Oct 15 07:50:36 2019
    jamesplank posted in timing for Android availability.

    Hi Marco
    Credo iOS is coming along nicely.
    Are you still intending to release an android version?
    I’ve been hoping for a while now, ie when I started this thread.
    Cheers James

  2. 6 years ago
    Wed Jun 13 23:00:46 2018
    jamesplank posted in Creo 1.0.

    Congrats Marco
    I’ve been following you guys for a long time.
    You have put in an enormous amount of work and creativity to get this far.

    Not to be impatient but
    I guess the real question to make this worth switching to is
    How far away is android?

    Cheers James

  3. 7 years ago
    Wed Nov 30 02:24:34 2016
    jamesplank posted in b5.4.

    Trying to update creates a Update Error. See image. Your above post says I need a new complete download to around this. So I need a link to a download site, please.

    Regards James

  4. Thu Nov 24 00:31:26 2016
    jamesplank posted in b5.4.

    How do I download again? Only place I can see is to re-sign up via email and this then tells me ive already signed up?
    Where can I get access?

  5. 8 years ago
    Tue Mar 8 01:27:10 2016
    jamesplank posted in timing for Android availability.

    Thanks marco
    Sounds great. Full steam ahead

  6. Sun Mar 6 20:03:34 2016
    jamesplank started the conversation timing for Android availability.

    I understand that this is very early in the dev cycle just to get crew working. And that iOS is your first target.
    But do you have any idea of timing for other platforms and really Im talking about android.
    I don't know whether to invest time here or not.
    Ive been burnt before with startups using iOS and the initial push, and Android is promised but is really the poor uncle
    never gets any love and when it does arrive its so cut down compared to its apple cousin its unusable.

    So no exact promises just a ball park date, year even?

  7. Sun Mar 6 19:54:35 2016
    jamesplank joined the forum.