

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Tue Jun 25 15:49:21 2019
    oliver@osswald.com posted in v2.0 tutorial updates?.

    @marco Hi @oliver@osswald.com I am writing a cubeSQL Admin application with Creo that will be open sourced.
    For the REST API I suggest you to follow the Spotify tutorial because it covers all the information you need: https://docs.creolabs.com/tutorials/spotify.html (screenshots are not yet updated but all the other information remains valid)

    Any news on the admin app?

  2. Sun Feb 10 05:58:07 2019
    oliver@osswald.com posted in v2.0 tutorial updates?.

    Off Topic: JSON and CubeSql

    Found it! https://github.com/cubesql/sdk/tree/master/PHP

  3. Fri Feb 8 05:26:14 2019
    oliver@osswald.com posted in v2.0 tutorial updates?.

    btw, I think it is a great idea to write a cubesql admin app with creo! And that it will be open sourced is even more exciting.

    First , the more real-world apps you write yourself with creo, the quicker it will fully mature.

    Second, we will have a full fledged example to learn from. I learn best from examples.

    I’m looking forward to it.

    btw, wasn’t there a way to talk to cubesql server through json strings? Is this working?

  4. Sat Feb 2 09:46:26 2019
    oliver@osswald.com posted in v2.0 tutorial updates?.

    Thanks Marco! I have two projects in the pipeline:

    1) I need to write an app which accesses our CubeSQL server and i have hoped to find a sample project which gives me a jump start (Creo ver 2.0)

    3) I need to write an app which makes use of the Wordpress and WooCommerce REST api and a general rest Api example project for ver 2 would be very welcome

  5. Fri Feb 1 09:17:19 2019
    oliver@osswald.com started the conversation v2.0 tutorial updates?.

    Can we know the timeframe until when updated tutorials will be available?

    Personally I hope there will be working examples for database server access; using rest apis; using gps ...

  6. Mon Jul 30 06:57:09 2018
    oliver@osswald.com started the conversation Lets cook nav tutorial: where to set window title?.

    I'm using Creo 1.0.7 to repeat the tutorials.

    It seems that the tutorials are no longer in sync with the evolving IDE. For instance at one step in the "Lets cook nav" tutorial, one changes the window title. I am not finding where to do this now.

    If I simply change the name of Window1 in the left panel, I'm getting an error when running the app. So where do we change the title of the window, which as default appears on top?


  7. Sun Jul 29 11:36:40 2018
    oliver@osswald.com posted in Parsing JSON.

    @Joel_Eisenstat : Thanks Joel, and yes - I think this will work.

  8. Sat Jul 28 20:13:26 2018
    oliver@osswald.com posted in Parsing JSON.

    Now I would like to add firstname and lastname to TableView1? How is this done?

    I also would like to create a class with properties like "firstname", "lastname" etc, then instantiate it and fill in the results from the above retrieved data. Then I would like to store such object with each row in the TableView1, if possible (like a RowTag).

    The idea is, that when a user selects a row in the TableView1, then I would like to display the detail-data in a new view.

    How would one do this in Creo?

  9. Sat Jul 28 20:00:36 2018
    oliver@osswald.com posted in Parsing JSON.

    Ok, when I process the value, received in the HTTPClient1.Request.NewValue event like below, then I'm getting my hands on the values which are in the subitem with the key "meta".

    However, this code is quite clumsy and I guess one can do this shorter and in a more elegant way?

    Any hints for improvement are welcome:

    for (var id in value.keys()) {
    	// Console.write("Key : " + id);
    	var record = value["\(id)"];
    	// Console.write("\(record)");
    	var i = 0;
    	var t = record.count;
    	var fields = record.keys();
    	while (i < t) {
    		var f = fields[i];
    		if (f == "meta") {
    		 	var person = record["meta"];
    			var firstname = person["firstname"];
    			var lastname  = person["lastname"];
    			var email     = person["email"];
    			var message   = person["message"];
    		 	Console.write("\(firstname) \(lastname) \(email) \(message)");
    		i += 1;


  10. Sat Jul 28 14:24:13 2018
    oliver@osswald.com started the conversation Parsing JSON.

    I'm sending a HTTPRequest to a wordpress form through its REST api.

    In postman, the resulting JSON looks like this:

        "jtzbo": {
            "id": "3",
            "item_key": "jtzbo",
            "name": "Jean",
            "ip": "",
            "meta": {
                "firstname": "Jean",
                "lastname": "Jacques",
                "email": "schaggi@shopmail.ch",
                "message": "test west bestös"
            "form_id": "7",
            "post_id": "0",
            "user_id": "1",
            "parent_item_id": "0",
            "is_draft": "0",
            "updated_by": "1",
            "created_at": "2018-06-10 13:08:25",
            "updated_at": "2018-06-13 15:54:37"
        "m5kyw": {
            "id": "4",
            "item_key": "m5kyw",
            "name": "Hans",
            "ip": "",
            "meta": {
                "firstname": "Hans",
                "lastname": "Dampf",
                "email": "testowesto@shopmail.ch",
                "message": "Hello! It's me!"
            "form_id": "7",
            "post_id": "0",
            "user_id": "1",
            "parent_item_id": "0",
            "is_draft": "0",
            "updated_by": "1",
            "created_at": "2018-07-28 14:13:00",
            "updated_at": "2018-07-28 14:13:00"

    In my Creo test project, I receive a value in the HTTPClient1.Request.NewValue event, which looks like this:

    [m5kyw:[ip:,name:Hans,created_at:2018-07-28 14:13:00,form_id:7,user_id:1,parent_item_id:0,id:4,item_key:m5kyw,updated_at:2018-07-28 14:13:00,updated_by:1,post_id:0,is_draft:0,meta:[firstname:Hans,email:testowesto@shopmail.ch,message:Hello! It's me!,lastname:Dampf]],jtzbo:[ip:,name:Jean,created_at:2018-06-10 13:08:25,form_id:7,user_id:1,parent_item_id:0,id:3,item_key:jtzbo,updated_at:2018-06-13 15:54:37,updated_by:1,post_id:0,is_draft:0,meta:[firstname:Jean,email:schaggi@shopmail.ch,message:test west bestös,lastname:Jacques]]]

    At design time the IDs of the returned records are not known (aka: "jtzbo" or "m5kyw")

    What I want to do ist to display firstname and lastname in a TableView and store all other information. When the user selects an entry in the TableView, then a detail view should open with all remaining infos visible.

    How do i proceed in Creo/Gravity, to get this done?

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