

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 3 years ago
    Mon Nov 16 08:44:53 2020
    aata started the conversation updates on creo.

    Are there any updates on creo V3?

  2. 5 years ago
    Sun Jul 21 13:33:09 2019
    aata posted in Plugin and Documentation.

    Is there any update?

  3. Mon Mar 25 10:53:35 2019
    aata started the conversation Plugin and Documentation.

    any updates regarding Plugin and Documentation v2.0?

  4. Sun Feb 3 05:48:44 2019
    aata started the conversation RTL.

    Is there a plan to add right to left (RTL) alignment to support Arabic language?

  5. Fri Feb 1 18:40:14 2019
    aata started the conversation export functionality .

    Are you sure that the export functionality works and tested. I think there are many missing issues such as asset and database files and app icons are not exported? !!

  6. Sun Jan 20 06:25:18 2019
    aata started the conversation Export issue.

    Which version of swift, you are using for export?

  7. Sun Dec 16 07:42:37 2018
    aata posted in ipa installation .

    Good morning,
    Even with the update to version: 1.2.2, I can't manage to run the installed IPA on my iPhone or iPad.


  8. Sun Dec 9 14:37:20 2018
    aata started the conversation ipa installation .

    When I built the application(ipa) and try to install it through Apple Configurator 2 or diawi.com , it will install but the icon looks like gray and it wouldn't lunch. can you help me what is the problem?

  9. Wed Dec 5 13:06:49 2018
    aata started the conversation Workspace setting.

    Every time I open a new project, I had to rearrange the workspace layout of the desktop interface. Such as resizing the code editor or zooming simulator factor. Can I save those custom configured to be as default setting?

  10. Mon Dec 3 16:03:21 2018
    aata posted in Save camera image.


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