

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Fri Apr 5 16:29:12 2019
    JazzHot posted in Piano Keyboard.

    @marco Thank you for the precision. A lot of work ahead... I am still reading the Creo and Gravity documentation. I am actually going thru all the tutorials.
    Also, I just registered Creo for one year.

  2. Fri Apr 5 15:14:33 2019
    JazzHot posted in Piano Keyboard.

    @marco It will be a complex interaction. I will need to play chords. Considering, I have to go with the UIImageView approach for the design part, right?

  3. Thu Apr 4 22:08:03 2019
    JazzHot posted in Piano Keyboard.

    Hi @marco, In fact it is ok to use buttons but here is an answer I got from Stackoverflow
    «a better approach is using UIImageView and add a gesture recognizer to that view.»
    In Creo, I did not succeeded using imageViews. Showing a different color image when a key is pressed on the piano did not worked for me. I managed to do that easily with buttons.
    Another person mentioned that he preferred using UITouches...
    I am looking for the best way if there is.

  4. Thu Apr 4 18:19:18 2019
    JazzHot started the conversation Piano Keyboard.

    I am in the process of learning Creo.
    In my iPad project, I need a piano keyboard and eventually implementation of MIDI.
    I have designed all my piano keys (12) for one octave and also another 12 highlighted notes.
    I imported all 24 keys into my project Assets.
    I have read on Stackoverflow that using buttons is not the right approach.
    What about using an ImageView for each keys?
    Thank you for your help.

  5. Wed Apr 3 20:13:56 2019
    JazzHot posted in Creo and Music.

    Hi @marco thank you for the info. Any time frame for Creo 2.1?

  6. Tue Apr 2 22:42:52 2019
    JazzHot posted in Creo and Music.

    Hi everyone,
    I am new to Creo.
    Is there anybody into music application programming using Creo?
    I have corresponded with Marco Bambini and there might be some futur for Creo regarding music applications programming.
    Actually Creo misses MIDI implementaion which could be possible with plugins specificaly AudioKit.
    Anybody has some infos to share on the matter.
    Thank you

  7. Tue Apr 2 22:29:29 2019
    JazzHot joined the forum.