

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Aug 1 10:48:09 2016
    steveharman started the conversation What resolution for graphics assets?.

    In readiness for the upcoming b5 release I'm starting to layout my project's screens. With a view to different iOS device sizes / resolutions and indeed future Android deployment - what should I be thinking about regarding graphics objects in my views?

    Do I use graphics elements of a resolution which matches the highest available device LCD resolution and Creo will scale down when the app is deployed to lower resolution devices? Or am I going about this all the wrong way.

    It was a recent change to Appcelerator's SDK that got me thinking; instead of needing app-icons in a whole range of different resolutions they now just ask for a single high-res icon (2048 x 2048?) and their SDK 'works down' from there to generate lower res icons at build time. Obviously that's for the app icon & not view elements, but.....

    And thinking of UI; is there any help / tutorials yet available for animation in Creo?



  2. Mon Aug 1 10:36:08 2016
    steveharman posted in Exchanging Creo Objects.

    @Joel_Eisenstat Do you mean having multiple projects open in Creo and dragging (or copying / pasting) objects & assets from one project to another?


  3. Mon Jun 27 14:02:40 2016
    steveharman posted in JSON handling.

    Hi @arminmon

    What you describe sounds like a perfect use of Creo.

    Here's a tutorial on connecting to the Spotify REST API which returns JSON: The endpoint in the example is to give you a flavor.

    But. You should be aware that at present it isn't possible to take contents from input fields in Creo and pass them to the http client's properties. So for example you couldn't have a "my search box" input field together with a search button that would take the contents of "my search box", perform a search against your news service and return results.

    This is 'dynamic properties' and if you hunt around the forum it has been scheduled for the next beta release. Similarly when you get results back into say a list-view or table, you will need to pass record IDs from your table into a detail screen so the detail screen knows which record(s) to display - @marco has kindly offered to do a blog post on how this can be done, around the time Creo b5 is released.

    And yes, Creo does seem to be awesome. ;-)



  4. Wed May 18 09:59:29 2016
    steveharman posted in Creo Companion App.

    I guess my question will be answered when documentation is available, but does anyone know how much native functionality will be exposed via Gravity or (ideally) JavaScript?

    For example Appcelerator has its API that allows communication with device functionality (!/api/Titanium ) similarly Cordova ( ) etc.


  5. 8 years ago
    Thu May 12 12:19:27 2016
    steveharman posted in Creo Companion App.

    I'm not sure what I most look forward to; reading new Slack release notes or the next Creo beta.

    b5 should be a great step forward (especially if we get some documentation and dynamic properties for passing field contents to objects)

  6. Thu Apr 21 11:52:18 2016
    steveharman started the conversation Very minor cosmetic bug around Asset browsing in 1.0b4.2.

    Please see attached recording. "Inspector" changes to "Inspecto" (no r at the end) after selecting an asset. Can be cleared by toggling the type of inspector.


    Any way to convince the forum software that it should accept .mov files as attachments. I always get "Error uploading []: file is empty." and end up having to convert to .mp4 each time. Thanks.

  7. Tue Apr 12 12:18:54 2016
    steveharman posted in Grouping controls.

    I'd wondered about something similar @knarfje in my attempt to implement a burger menu: It would be nice to animate a custom view which I don't think can be done at present?

    Currently when trying to add a new animation to a Custom View I get "Animation creation error. A window variant, template or container is required." And as my custom view is in the templates section of the Project navigator - I'm a bit stumped.

    If we could animate a custom view we could place all our controls , buttons etc. on to the it and apply animation.

    Looking at the error I get when trying to animate a custom view ("A window variant, template or container is required") perhaps it will be possible to animate a 'template' and all of its contents? I'm guessing here...


  8. Tue Apr 12 09:24:18 2016
    steveharman posted in Table row seperators not full width?.

    Great, thanks @andrea your suggestion with the custom view worked. Although is it planned to offer less than 1pt for border widths? Would be handy to specify a hairline width of say 0.5pt or another custom value. Hardly a high priority concern.... ;-)

    Sadly at the moment I've had to put Creo to one side, as the absence of dynamic properties in http client requests is blocking what I need to do (take content of input field > pass it to http request) . But I know that's coming so no problem.


  9. Fri Apr 8 09:33:20 2016
    steveharman posted in how to delete/remove a method??.

    Hi @Trisha Duke ,

    I've also wondered about this. There's nothing available when right-clicking on a method name, neither does the backspace / delete key work or using cut from the Edit menu.

    Guessing that atm it isn't possible and the guys will introduce something soon.


  10. Wed Apr 6 11:00:26 2016
    steveharman posted in Project with API.

    That would be great @atomicx2

    Recently I've been experimenting with Creo and Backendless via their REST API, currently a little limited without dynamic properties (taking user input from fields and passing to Creo's HTTP client request) but I believe that's on its way (


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