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  1. 7 years ago

    Hi ,
    Still trying to get a handle on Gravity -
    Attempting to change views with segmented control :
    if (selectedSegmentIndex) == 0 { // first segment
    View1.rowIndex = 1; // where this represents to the view template list order ? second row
    } else { // second segment
    View1.rowIndex = 3; // fourth row of template list

    The error log exploded - any explanation is appreciated

  2. Good morning,
    In a detail window ( under PageSplit navigation) I am using a SegmentedControl to alter View controls , i.e. PersonalView and LedgerView templates.
    Initially I tried to use the bind gui from the Segment control to the View control but the View template property was not seen.
    The submitted code was my attempt to use Gravity to accomplish this.
    View1 is the view control in the Client window, row index is the row of the the view template list , taken from the view class description ;
    <var rowIndex: Int Use this property to set row index in case of view used in a controls that require an array of views.>
    Also is there a way to clear the log as to reduce clutter ?

  3. I am trying to have multiple custom views determined by the segment
    The row index seems to be from the template list of the view :

    var rowIndex: Int Use this property to set row index in case of view used in a controls that require an array of views.
    Assuming the list would adjusted to the index
