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Build for Distribution

  1. 6 years ago


    Show in context User since 2018

    Many thanks. I have now upgraded to the 1.0.0 - I'm still unlicensed (waiting until I can get the build working).
    The build appears to get to the App Store Connect now and is processed succssfully - but doesn't get to TestFlight -
    The following message comes from Apple -

    Missing beta entitlement - Your app does not include the beta-reports-active entitlement. If you intend to distribute this build via TestFlight for beta testing, please re-build this app with an App Store Distribution provisioning profile. Do not use ad-hoc profiles.

    I am building with:
    Package Distribution: iOS App Store Distribution
    Signing Identity: iPhone Distribution: in my name
    Provisioning Profile: iOS Provisioning Profile (Distribution)

  2. marco

    Show in context Administrator User since 2016
    Edited 6 years ago by marco

    Hi @VinDo TestFlight requires a different build.
    We'll release version 1.0.1 within a couple of days and then we'll add TestFlight builds support in the next version. You can expect it in about a week.