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record set boolean

  1. 6 years ago

    Good morning ,
    In retrieving a boolean value from a record set it always defaults to 0 . The Creo query as well as Postgres clients show t.
    Console.write(; --> 0 .
    Thanks ,

  2. marco

    Show in context Administrator User since 2016

    @Joel_Eisenstat can you please paste here the CREATE TABLE statement?
    How the active field is defined?


  3. I use SEQUEL for Postrgres to create tables/columns, in this case a boolean , For Creo there are 2 controls associated with boolean columns t/f, a toggle for active ( 0/false for non active, 1/true for active) and a 2 segment segmented control where 0 segment is for Male, 1 for female. When the records set is displayed from the Postgres1.Query1 the column row in question displays as 't', but somethings off when using select(sql) . All others column types do not seem to have an issue .
    There is a delay as I switched providers ( have optic to the house now ) messed my IP with AWS so it will take a day or so to figure that out .