CreoPlayer no longer available

  1. 6 years ago


    26 Jun 2018 Administrator User since 2016

    An important announcement is available in our blog.

  2. apt

    27 Jun 2018 User since 2018
    Edited 6 years ago by apt

    This must have been a blow to you guys but I can see why they have done it as Apple already have TestFlight in place for this type of thing. The player app is a quick and easy way to test however.

    It if makes you feel better it also looks like PhoneGap (Cordova) was also removed from the AppStore presumable for the same reasons.

    EDIT: Yep confirmed, this is from the Adobe PhoneGap site:

    Due to Apple guidelines, the PhoneGap Developer App has been removed from the iOS App Store. New users will be unable to download. No impact to Android or Windows versions.

    Open source sounds like the way to go so it can be ‘side-loaded’

  3. marco

    3 Jul 2018 Administrator User since 2016

    For future reference, CreoPlayer is available again through the TestFlight program.
    More information available at:

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