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navigate through textfield with keyboard?

  1. 5 years ago


    Show in context Administrator User since 2016
    Edited 5 years ago by marco

    Ah! That's a different problem :-)
    So you do not want to move the focus but you'd like to know when the user stopped typing and then execute an action? In this case you should wait about 24 hours until the 2.0.2 version will be released.

    In that version we exposed the property endEditingOnReturn to the TextField inspector. When checked the DidEndEditing event is called when user presses the Return key.

    All you need to do in the DidEndEditing event is call the same function that you already call inside the `Button1.Action` event.

  2. Marc

    Show in context User since 2018

    @marco In this case you should wait about 24 hours until the 2.0.2 version will be released.

    In that version we exposed the property endEditingOnReturn to the TextField inspector. When checked the DidEndEditing event is called when user presses the Return key.

    You guys are amazing. I was just looking for this in the docs when I stumbled upon this thread. Creo gets more mature by the day :)

  3. daninutero

    Show in context User since 2019

    @marco Ah! That's a different problem :-)
    So you do not want to move the focus but you'd like to know when the user stopped typing and then execute an action? In this case you should wait about 24 hours until the 2.0.2 version will be released.

    In that version we exposed the property endEditingOnReturn to the TextField inspector. When checked the DidEndEditing event is called when user presses the Return key.

    All you need to do in the DidEndEditing event is call the same function that you already call inside the `Button1.Action` event.

    Amazing, thank you!